Ezra Chapter 7 Summary
Ezra's expedition to Jerusalem and his thanksgiving.
Discussion Questions for Ezra, Chapter 7
- Who was Ezra? According to this chapter, what did he do, and why was he successful at it? What does this imply about the relationship of God’s sovereignty, his will, and the success of man?
- More than once it is mentioned that the “hand of God” was on Ezra (ESV). What do you think this means? Do you believe this was general to all people of Israel, or only Ezra? Why?
- Why did Ezra travel to Jerusalem? What did he desire to do? Would it require as much effort for us to do the same? What do we have access to now that Ezra did not? Are you as committed as Ezra was to study the “Law of the Lord” (ESV)? Why or why not?
- Ezra did not only desire to study the Word of God. He desired to teach it. Do you believe the only individuals qualified to teach others about the Word of God are those who have studied it extensively? Why or why not?
- What did the letter of King Artaxerxes enable Ezra to do? How was this in collaboration with past kings? Do you think this was a part of God’s plan? If so, how?
- The king's letter speaks of “freewill offerings” (ESV). What is a freewill offering, and how was it different from other offerings in that time? Why might it have been important to Artaxerxes to make this distinction?
- Read verse 18. King Artaxerxes gave Ezra control of the remaining silver and gold, but under the will of whom? Do you think this implied that King Artaxerxes respected the God of Israel? If not, why might he have said this?
- What do you believe motivated King Artaxerxes to provide so much for the temple rebuild? Why do you think so? What does this tell us about this king’s character, and how does it compare with the character of God?
- How did God use a heathen king to promote his own will and glory in this chapter? Do you believe that God acts similarly today? If so, how?
- Consider Ezra’s blessing at the end of this chapter. What character traits is he praising God for? Have you seen these aspects in your own life? How?
Key Words/Phrase
Decree, v. 13.
God, Ezra, Artaxerxes.
Strong Verse(s)
10, 23.