Ezra Chapter 4 Summary
Work hindered by adversaries.
Discussion Questions for Ezra, Chapter 4
- Who were the Israelites’ adversaries, and why did they oppose the rebuilding of the temple? In what ways did they engage in hostility to prevent the temple from being rebuilt? What are some examples of opposition you have faced for God’s work? How did you respond?
- Do you think that the Israelites would have been discouraged to encounter so much opposition so shortly after their joyful return and celebrations? How do you think Judah’s leaders would have encouraged the people to continue? Where do you find encouragement when you are discouraged in the work God has called you to do?
- What significant role does King Darius play in the Biblical narrative? Why do you think he is briefly mentioned here? How does this teach you to approach Scripture and learn from a holistic worldview?
- What can we learn from the letter sent to King Artaxerxes from the opponents of the Israelites? How should we respond to false accusations against us, and how do we persevere in the face of open hostility?
- How does Artaxerxes’ response to the opponents’ letter impact the rebuilding of the city and temple? What does this teach us about trusting God when it seems as if His plans are hindered by others? Can God ultimately be hindered? How does this give you hope in life?
- What might God be trying to teach the Israelites when they were forcibly stopped from working for two years? How does God work in our waiting? What is a lesson God has taught you when He forced you to stop in a certain situation?
- Why do you think Artaxerxes was worried about the “royal interests” (HCSB) of his involvement with Jerusalem? How does this demonstrate pride and arrogance by assuming he had a say in God's work? What impact can pride have on our decision-making?
- When Artaxerxes stopped the building of the temple, what does this teach us about obeying human authorities? Does this have any relation to Romans 13? How do we know when to obey civil governments over us, and what are times in which we should not obey our authorities?
- What was the ultimate motivation for Artaxerxes and the other opponents to stop the work of rebuilding the temple? How does greed impact the King's decisions, and what effect did it have on God's people? How have you seen greed damage or destroy others?
- Why did the Israelites refuse the initial offer of their opponents to help rebuild the temple? Why was it a project only for God's people? How did they demonstrate discernment in this situation? How do you use discernment in making good decisions?
Key Words/Phrase
Hindered, v. 4.
Zerubbabel, Ahasuerus, Jeshua, Artazerxes, Rehum, Shimshai.
Strong Verse(s)