Ezra Chapter 1 Summary
Decree of Cyrus for restoration of the temple and preparations for the return of the remnant.
Discussion Questions for Ezra, Chapter 1
- Why do you think Cyrus listened to God so well, even though he was a pagan? What does this teach us about how God uses even the lost and unsaved to do His will? How does this teach you to relate to authorities above you, even when they don’t believe in God?
- How does God play an active role in returning His people to Jerusalem? Why do you think this is important? What does this tell us about God's purposeful activity in the details of every person in every day? How does it make you feel to know that God is so intimately aware and involved in your life?
- Why is it important that God had “motivated” (HCSB) the family leaders to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple? What does this say about the importance of family leadership in spiritual matters? What is your personal view on the role of family leaders, fathers, mothers, and parents?
- What kind of redemption do you see in Cyrus returning what Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Jerusalem? How does this display God’s kindness to the Israelites? In what ways have you seen God restore something in your life, and how did it come about?
- Are you surprised by the generosity of the Persians in verses 4 and 6? How does this reflect back to the generosity of King Josiah in 2 Chronicles 35? In what ways does this prove that God always provides for what He wills to happen? How have you seen God provide abundantly for a need you had?
- How many different materials were provided to help rebuild the temple in Jerusalem? What is the significance of these materials, and what role do they play in the reconstruction of the temple? Why do you think these symbols of wealth were important to mention?
- What is the spiritual implication of the Israelites going from captivity to freedom? In what ways is this an allegory for sin and new life in Christ? How can you personally relate to a spiritual journey from bondage in sin to freedom in Christ?
- Why do you think financial integrity plays an important role in verse 8? If King Cyrus was a pagan king, why was honesty in dealing with the Israelites so important? Do you think God might have been using a pagan as a continued example to His people on how to live rightly? What is a time in which you learned by example from someone who was not a follower of God, and how did that impact you?
- Who is the prophet that first gave the prophecy in verse 1? Can you find when that prophecy was made? What was the role of the prophets in the time of exile for God's people? What role do we see prophecy play today, and how might it contribute to your understanding of God's trustworthiness?
- Why do you think the physical symbols played such an important role in the worship in the temple? How might physical symbols help us to remember or focus our hearts on true and pure worship? What dangers might exist with having physical symbols in our worship?
Key Words/Phrase
Temple, v. 2.
God, Cyrus, Sheshbazzar, Mithredath.