Ezekiel Chapter 44 Summary

Gate for the prince. God's glory filling the temple. The priests.

Discussion Questions for Ezekiel, Chapter 44

  1. Verses 1-3: What is the reason why the East gate must remain closed? Why do you think God does not give us all the answers and information that we want?
  2. What privileges does the prince have? Who or whom may be represented by the prince? Why? How are you doing at leading people to God?
  3. Verse 5 stresses the importance that only certain people were allowed to go into the sanctuary. Based on what you have read about this temple in Ezekiel (and other temples in the Bible), what do you think God is trying to communicate? How may a study on God's holiness help your walk with him?
  4. How many times does “Sovereign Lord” appear in this chapter? Why was it important for the Israelites to know that these instructions were coming from God himself? Do you take God’s word more seriously than others? Do you overlook some verses? Why or why not?
  5. Why does God give special privileges to the priests mentioned in verse 15? Why do you think it is important to remember that God will reward you for standing up for Him when those around you are not? Share a time when you took a firm stand for God.
  6. In verse 23 the priests are to teach the people and in verse 24 they are to serve as judges. How does being holy help you teach and judge others?
  7. How is it that God himself was the only inheritance that the priests had (v. 28)? What does this mean to you to have God as your inheritance?
  8. In verse 5 God tells Ezekiel to “look carefully” and “listen closely” to what God was saying to him. Have you ever felt bothered by someone who was not listening as you talked? How does God feel when you read the Bible? Would He say that you are listening closely?
  9. What is the relationship between giving and being blessed (see verse 30)? Is it guaranteed that God will bless someone financially if they give some of their money? Share how you are giving to God without any expectation for a return?
  10. Who are those that are “uncircumcised in heart and flesh”? They wanted to be a part of God's people but were not willing to suffer. Are there areas in your life where you feel like something is holding you back and you are unwilling to live out fully the Christian life that God intended because it is hard? Share the areas with the group or a time when you shied away from suffering for God.

Key Words/Phrase

Temple services.


God, Ezekiel, sons of Zadok, prince.

Strong Verse(s)