Ezekiel Chapter 42 Summary
Further description of the temple.
Discussion Questions for Ezekiel, Chapter 42
- The temple courts were quite public, but in this chapter we see there were many private chambers. What do you think these private chambers were for? Read Isaiah 56:7 for further insight. Is your private worship just as strong as your public worship? Why?
- How does the private worship in the chambers prepare the way for presenting one’s offering? How does your private worship prepare you for worshiping in public?
- In verse 20 there is a wall that separates the holy from the common. What is the difference between these 2 groups? Is there any distinction made in areas of the temple for Jews and non-Jews? In what ways do you judge or divide people in your mind? Are you fair in how you view others?
- Who can approach the Lord, according to verse 13? How is it true then, that Christians can “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence”? (Heb. 4:16, NIV) How do you personally approach God with confidence?
- Why is the temple a holy place? Share how you feel when you think of God’s holiness.
- The whole temple complex was 875 feet long by 875 feet wide. Compare that to a football field, which is 360 feet long and 160 feet wide. Does this help to bring into perspective how large this temple was? Why is it so big? Share how you feel about Jesus preparing heaven right now with many rooms.
- The dimensions of the temple are perfectly square. Can you think of other structures in the Bible that are perfectly square? Why does God always construct things perfectly? How have you destroyed God's perfect creation? (Such as talking bad about someone else, etc.)
- The man spends just as much time or more showing Ezekiel the outer courts and public chambers as compared to the area of the temple proper with the altar and the Most Holy Place. Can you think of why he put so much emphasis on the common areas? Many Christians tend to “compartmentalize” their faith. Do you view all areas of your life as sacred? How can you improve in this area?
- The man guiding Ezekiel performs various actions. What are they? (Note which verbs are associated with the man.) In what ways does God lead and speak to people today? Share a time when God, through the Holy Spirit, led you to do something specific.
- The man measures the walls for Ezekiel. Why does he not just tell Ezekiel the measurements? Share a time when you had to teach someone else something and you found it beneficial to show them and not just explain it.
Key Words/Phrase
God, Ezekiel.