Ezekiel Chapter 41 Summary

Further description of the temple.

Discussion Questions for Ezekiel, Chapter 41

  1. In verse 4 the guide shows Ezekiel the Most Holy Place, but does not mention anything is in there. If the Most Holy Place was empty, what is the significance of this? (you may want to research what was in the previous temple’s Most Holy Place for comparison).
  2. It would seem that seeing the Most Holy Place would be the climax of the tour of the temple, but here in chapter 41 little attention is placed on it. Why do you think this is so? Share a time when you have felt disappointed with God for not showing you something or answering a prayer.
  3. The walls of the temple were about 9 feet (3 meters) thick. What feeling would you have regarding the temple if you were to see walls that thick? Are there any modern buildings you can think of with very thick walls? What does this tell you about the importance of the building or the importance of what is inside the building? Share a time when you entered a very important building and how you felt there.
  4. Compare verses 16–20 with 1 Kings 6:29–32. What similarities and differences are there between this temple and the one that Solomon built? Share some common themes that are repeated in Scripture that give you comfort.
  5. A building is described in verse 12. How big is this building? There are no details regarding what this building is or why it is there. How does this make you feel? Share a time when you felt frustrated because you felt like you did not know what God’s will was for your life. What did you do or what happened to change your perspective?
  6. What is the difference between this temple and the tower of Babel built by humans in order to make a name for themselves? (Genesis 11:4, ESV) Where is pride evident in your life?
  7. Do you think there is any significance that this temple is adorned with wood and not gold? What are some areas of your life where you need to show more humility? Do you ever feel like you need to “show off” something to others in order to feel good? How can you better rest in God's acceptance when these feelings arise?
  8. From this chapter, do you feel this temple was designed more for functionality or for glamor and prestige? Share how you think you are doing about seeking God’s approval over man’s approval?
  9. In your opinion, what do you think is the significance of the man and lion faces of the cherubim? Do you ever find yourself arguing with other Christians over debatable interpretations of Scripture? How can you improve in this area?
  10. The man shows Ezekiel the altar and then says “This is the table that is before the Lord.” (v. 22 NIV). Share about how you feel when you picture a dining room table. Share how it makes you feel to know that God invites you to His table.

Key Words/Phrase



God, Ezekiel.

Strong Verse(s)