Ezekiel Chapter 40 Summary
Vision of the man with the measuring reed. The future temple and its service.
Discussion Questions for Ezekiel, Chapter 40
- In verse 1, Ezekiel gives us the exact date of the vision he saw, saying it was “In the twenty-fifth year of our exile, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth of the month, in the fourteenth year after the fall of the city—on that very day.” (NIV). Why is it important that Ezekiel gives us the historical date of his vision? How does this add credibility to his prophetic ministry and to Scripture as a whole? Share a time when someone doubted things about Christianity, but you were able to defend the faith.
- The only specific decorations mentioned are palm trees (vv. 16, 22, 26, 34, 37). Why do you think the temple was decorated with palm trees? What sensations do palm trees evoke? Or what did palm trees symbolize? Discuss how personal images or memories could help remind you of God’s provision.
- Does the temple which Ezekiel saw resemble one with much planning and detail? What about the temple that Solomon built? What does this reflect about God? Spend some time sharing how you are thankful for God’s plan for your life and how he designed you.
- Scholars have debated whether the temple Ezekiel sees in the vision is a literal one, or whether it is merely symbolic. What features of the temple lead you to think it is a literal one? Which features of the temple or vision lead you to think it may be symbolic? Share a time where you used symbolism to communicate truth to others or when symbolism was a powerful tool to help you understand something on a deeper level.
- How do you think Israelites living in captivity in Babylonia felt when they heard news of a vision of a glorious temple? Share a time when you got some suddenly good news when you were down?
- In this temple there are large common areas or courts (NIV). Additionally, there is an area for sacrifices where only priests were allowed. Why was it necessary to have priests be in charge of the sacrifices? How might seeing Jesus as your high priest help you with your walk with God?
- Throughout the tour of the temple, we do not see Ezekiel stopping to ask questions. Surely he was curious about the temple. If you were Ezekiel, would it have been hard for you to refrain from asking more questions? When you read the Bible, do you sometimes feel like there are questions that you have that go unanswered? Do you feel like sometimes in your life it is best to just trust God and not demand to know all the details? When?
- How does this chapter fit in with the themes from chapters 38–39, where we see God in his almighty power do away with Israel’s enemies? Do you wish that God would wipe away some of your enemies? Which ones? In light of Jesus coming to earth and the teachings he gave, how are you doing at loving your enemies? Share some ways that you love your enemies?
- Who built this temple? Does the fact that it seems God had this temple built make it greater than the earlier temple built in Jerusalem? What is the significance of this temple being greater? Share some areas in your life that you feel like you need to trust God and allow Him to do even greater things with you.
- Does the man with a bronze appearance give any details in this chapter about when this temple will exist? How is this temple a part of or representative of the future restoration of God’s people? Share about how you feel when you think about heaven.
Key Words/Phrase
God, Ezekiel, sons of Zadok.