Ezekiel Chapter 4 Summary
The sign of the tile. Typical representations.
Discussion Questions for Ezekiel, Chapter 4
- Why do you think that God tells Ezekiel to perform several prophetic and symbolic acts? Give some examples of the use of symbols in our church and society? What role do the symbols of baptism and communion play in the life of the church?
- The word “against (ESV)” is used six times in 4:1-3. What does this repetition tell us about God's perspective on Jerusalem at this time? What kinds of things might cause God to be against his people today?
- Why does God tell Ezekiel to place an “iron griddle (ESV)” between him and the model city? Does this represent a barrier to his prophetic ministry, or does this represent God's separation from his people? Does it represent both? Why or why not?
- How do you think the people would respond to Ezekiel’s symbolic acts? How would you respond if a pastor did this in your church?
- What would have been the physical and emotional toll that this type of ministry had on Ezekiel? What might be some physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional burdens your pastors and staff have to bear in your church?
- Describe the progression in the three symbolic acts of chapter 4? What is being communicated in these symbols? Why is there a progression here?
- What kind of food is represented by the listing of “wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and emmer (ESV)”? Would it be considered desirable food? If it is not considered desirable, how would that message impact the people?
- The food appears to be rationed. What message would this send? Why do you think an already exiled community would still need a message of a coming siege and rationed food?
- To use human dung as fuel would have been unthinkable for the people of Israel. How does this prophecy point to their judgment? Why was this so tragic?
- What do we learn about Ezekiel when he reacts against God’s command to use human dung? What do we learn about God from his response? How should this impact how we relate to God?
Key Words/Phrase
Israel's iniquity, v. 6.
God, Ezekiel.