Ezekiel - Chapter-38

Chapter Summary

Prophecy against Gog.

Discussion Questions for Ezekiel, Chapter 38

  1. Why was God against Gog? What does this tell you about God's sovereignty?
  2. What was Gog's plan against Israel? How did their plan compare with God's plan? What are the benefits in knowing God has good plans for you, even when the enemy is plotting against you?
  3. When we are faced with difficulties, what should our response be? Who fights our battles and why?
  4. Gog was to attack Israel in the far future. What does this tell us about God and time?
  5. How should our understanding about God's power to know everything at all times comfort us in times of difficulties?
  6. God exposed all the planned attacks by Gog, and he let Gog go along with the plans. What does this say about our understanding of God?
  7. Gog's sin started in the mind, he devised a plan, and acted on it. What does this tell us about our minds and actions?
  8. God said Gog would attack Israel when it was settled and felt secure. What does this tell us about the schemes of the devil?
  9. What is your understanding of God's power over everything? Why is this important?
  10. How does knowing that God knows the future help us live right?

Key Words/Phrase

Gog, v. 3. (Latter days, v. 16.)


God, Ezekiel.

Strong Verse(s)