Ezekiel Chapter 33 Summary
Ethical instructions for the captivity. Rebuke to those who are not sincere in their professions.
Discussion Questions for Ezekiel, Chapter 33
- Who did God assign as the watchman for his people Israel? If there was a threat in the city, what was the responsibility of the watchman? What would happen to him if he did not carry out his responsibility?
- How were the people to respond to warnings from the watchman? How did their responses determine the results?
- What is God's desire for the Israelites? What does this tell you about the character of God?
- What are some of the ways God sends us warnings? What hope do we find in how God warned Israel?
- In verse 14-16, what does the wicked person need to do to redeem himself? What does it mean to have your sins not remembered anymore? How different would life be if God remembered all our sins?
- God told Israel he would judge the Israelites according to their individual ways. What advantage is there in being judged as an individual instead of being judged collectively as a people?
- God condemned those who listened to him but would not do what he said. What are some ways we also hear God but do not do what he says?
- The Israelites believed that because Abraham was one man and he possessed the land, they were many and therefore they would possess the land. What does this say about our thoughts contrasted with God's thoughts?
- In verses 25–27, what are some things that Israel did that did not please God? What does the Israelites’ behavior say about their attitude toward their God? Are we any different from the Israelites? Why or why not?
- How does God’s dealing with Israel point us to Jesus and how he wants us to respond to him?
Key Words/Phrase
Warning, v. 3.
God, Ezekiel, Abraham.
Strong Verse(s)
8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 31, 32.