Ezekiel Chapter 29 Summary

Prophecy against Egypt.

Discussion Questions for Ezekiel, Chapter 29

  1. Who is God talking to? What is his relationship with God? Why is this important?
  2. What is God reminding Pharaoh when God accuses him of claiming to own and be the maker of the Nile?
  3. Why does Egypt go against God’s plan? What warning does this passage give to anyone who chooses to go against God?
  4. What does this passage teach us about God’s power over creation?
  5. How many years does God say he will judge Egypt? What is significant about the years?
  6. What is Nebuchadnezzar’s role in the plan of God to fight against Egypt? What do we learn about who God chooses to use to accomplish his purpose?
  7. God rewards Nebuchadnezzar for his role. What does this tell us about God's desire to draw sinners to himself?
  8. In verse 21, God said, “I will open your lips” (ESV). What does this say about God's dealing with Ezekiel? How should this encourage us to carry out God's purposes?
  9. Ezekiel prophesied against a powerful nation, Egypt. Who did Ezekiel trust to protect him as he carried out the prophecies? What does Ezekiel’s response tell us about his spiritual condition?
  10. What are some situations you need to speak up against?

Key Words/Phrase

Desolations, v. 9.


God, Ezekiel, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar.

Strong Verse(s)