Ezekiel Chapter 13 Summary
Message against lying prophets.
Discussion Questions for Ezekiel, Chapter 13
- Why is it a problem that the prophets prophesy “from their own hearts (ESV)?” How might this be similar to the modern idea of “following your heart?” Give examples of this way of thinking. How should we biblically address someone who tells us that they live by following their heart?
- How do we respond to someone who claims to have heard a word from the Lord? How do we evaluate if this word is true? How might the claim to have heard a word from the Lord undermine the authority of Scripture?
- What is the point of the contrast between verses 4 and 5? What is the relationship of these prophets to the safety of Israel?
- How can the false prophets believe their own false words? What does this say about the nature of sin? How might Christian community help us not to believe our own self-justification of sin?
- Why does God react so strongly against the false prophets in 13:8–16? Do you think God still reacts this strongly against false teaching? What role should the church play in dealing with false teaching? What role should individual Christians play in dealing with false teaching?
- God says that both the whitewashed walls and those who painted it will perish. In light of this terrible picture, why do you think people make false prophecies? What motivates them?
- How do the daughters who “sew magic bands” and “make veils (ESV)” relate to the false prophets? How do they lie to the people of Israel?
- What is meant by the phrase “You have profaned me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread (ESV)?” Give some modern examples of false teaching that are motivated by financial gain. Why do you think that false teachers are often connected to financial schemes? What are some signs that might help us identify a false teacher?
- The result of the false teachings appears to punish the good and reward the bad in 13:19, 22. What are some examples of how this happens in our world today? Do you think that this offers us motivation for living a distinctly Christian life in the world? Why do you think this?
- What will be the result of the false prophecies? How should this motivate us to pursue truth and deal with false teaching today? How do you ensure that you are walking in the truth?
Key Words/Phrase
False prophets, v. 3.
God, Ezekiel.
Strong Verse(s)
3, 9.