Ezekiel Chapter 1 Summary
Vision of the glory.
Discussion Questions for Ezekiel, Chapter 1
- Ezekiel began his ministry with the exiles in Babylon. How do you think his ministry was received? What might be some challenges he faced in his ministry? How might we relate to their status as exiles?
- Ezekiel received “visions of God (ESV).” What do you think of when you hear that term? Does God still give visions? How might we judge the accuracy of a vision today?
- Why does Ezekiel use the expressions “like,” “likeness,” and “as it were (ESV)” so often in this vision? What does this tell us about the nature of what Ezekiel is describing? How would you attempt to describe heavenly realities to someone today?
- Skip to 10:20-22. What do these verses tell us about who the living creatures are? Cherubim are also seen in the tabernacle (Exodus 25:10-22) and the temple (1 Kings 6:27). Thinking in terms of what the tabernacle and temple represented, how might their appearance be significant here?
- While the appearance of the cherubim might prove to be confusing, what might be some possible explanations for the four faces of these beings? Similarly, what might be the reason they are described by fire, lightning, beryl, wheels, and many eyes?
- Should angels be worshipped? Why or why not? What are the responses to angels in the Bible? Can you give examples? What might be a problem in having a fascination with angels?
- The word “spirit (ESV)” is used in 1:12, 20, and 21. What is being referred to here? Is it the same in each occurrence? Could this refer to the Holy Spirit? Why or why not?
- What is revealed in 1:26-28? What does the passage tell us about the relationship of God to the cherubim? Should we pray to angels? What roles do angels play in God's plan? Why or why not? How should we respond to friends that pray to angels?
- The phrase “the glory of the Lord (ESV)” introduces a major theme of the book. What does this refer to? How can we understand it from this passage? What other passages help us understand what this means? Specifically, look at Exodus 40:34-35, Isaiah 6:3, Psalm 19:1, and 2 Corinthians 4:4-12.
- What is Ezekiel’s response to seeing the glory of God in 1:28? How should this inform our worship? What is the danger of minimizing the greatness of God?
Key Words/Phrase
Visions of God, v. 1.
God, Holy Spirit, Christ, Ezekiel, Jehoiachin, (v. 26).