Exodus - Chapter-25

Chapter Summary

Moses in the mount; first directions concerning the tabernacle.

Discussion Questions for Exodus, Chapter 25

  1. What key purpose did the tabernacle serve? What did it represent? Is there anything else in Scripture that is like this Ark?
  2. How would you describe the difference between the tabernacle and the temple? What would this shift from temple to tabernacle have meant to the people of Israel?
  3. What do you think the significance of how detailed the Ark of the Covenant was? What would this detail have communicated to the Israelites?
  4. Describe the tabernacle in your own words. After that take time to reflect as a group how God no longer resides in the tabernacle but within the heart of every believer. How does that impact the way you see yourself? How does that affect the way you treat yourself and others in light of God’s Holiness?
  5. “Speak to the people of Israel, that they take for me a contribution. From every man whose heart moves him you shall receive the contribution for me.” (Exodus 25:2, ESV) What do you think it meant for a man's heart to move him?
  6. What kind of access do you think the people thought they had to God before the tabernacle? What access did they have after the tabernacle?
  7. What was the purpose of the table for bread? What did the Bread of the Presence signify? Why were the people to set it on the table regularly?
  8. What purpose did the Golden Lampstand serve? Why do you think it was to be made with those specific details? Would those numbers and materials have meant something to the Israelites?
  9. How do you typically approach these kinds of passages? Do you rush or skim through things like measurements or materials? What would change if you read through these kinds of chapters more slowly? Explain your response.
  10. How did this chapter impact the way you viewed God’s desire to be close and intimate with His people?

Key Words/Phrase

Pattern, v. 9.


God, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)