Exodus - Chapter-24

Chapter Summary

Order of worship prescribed, pending the building of the tabernacle.

Discussion Questions for Exodus, Chapter 24

  1. “Moses alone shall come near to the LORD, but the others shall not come near, and the people shall not come up with him.” (Exodus 24:2, ESV) Why was Moses the only one allowed draw near to The Lord?
  2. How did the Israelites respond to the laws? Did they follow through with their response?
  3. What was the significance of writing down what God said? Do you ever write down the things God reveals to you? How could this help you remember and recall God’s guidance?
  4. Why do you think a pillar was built for each tribe of Israel?
  5. Why did Moses sprinkle blood on the people of Israel?
  6. How does this chapter remind you of the gospels? How do you view the sprinkling of the blood in light of the cross?
  7. “And they saw the God of Israel. There was under his feet as it were a pavement of sapphire stone, like the very heaven for clearness.” (Exodus 24:10, ESV) Discuss what this verse makes you feel. How to you envision this scene? What expressions do you think the people present would have had? How would you respond? How does it feel for that same God to be within you as The Holy Spirit?
  8. In verse 10 is says that they saw God. Our understanding so far in Exodus has been that if you saw God, you died. In light of that understanding, what do you think it meant that they saw Him?
  9. What was the significance of God being in the cloud? Why do think you it covered the mountain for 6 days?
  10. How does verse 2 parallel with verses 12-18? How does Moses as a mediator direct our eyes to Jesus?

Key Words/Phrase

Worship, v. 1.


God, Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, elders, Joshua, Hur.

Strong Verse(s)

8, 17.