Exodus - Chapter-2

Chapter Summary

Deliverer prepared for Israel. Moses' birth, boyhood and marriage.

Discussion Questions for Exodus, Chapter 2

  1. Exodus 2:1 gives details of a baby son (Moses) being born to a son of Levi. Throughout scripture we see a significance placed on the genealogy of the children of Israel. Why do you think the genealogy is of vital importance to the children of Israel?
  2. In Exodus 2, who names Moses? Why doesn't the mother or father name the son? How does the reflect Moses's mother complete surrender to God? How do you describe complete surrender to God?
  3. Exodus 2:1-10 portrays the roles that different women play in saving Moses's life in spite of the decree of the pharaoh to kill all Hebrew male children. Viewing these events, what statement is being made concerning the role of women in ministry? What statement is being made about the work of God?
  4. Many would view the different events in Exodus 2 as chance while believers may see it as the God's sovereignty being shown. How can a believer explain the difference between chance and God's sovereignty?
  5. The pharaoh's daughter finds the baby Moses and saves him from certain death. Obviously Pharaoh's daughter is not a believer. How does this illustrate God's sovereignty? How does God coax a non-believer into doing His will?
  6. Pharaoh's daughter has Moses's mother to raise him. Moses's mother then brings Moses back to Pharaoh's daughter after he grew older and Pharaoh's daughter claimed Moses as her son. If you were Moses's mother, the Hebrew woman, would you have returned Moses to Pharaoh's daughter? Why or why not?
  7. According to Acts 7:23, Moses is about 40 years old when the events took place in Exodus 2:11-15. Why do you think Moses waited so long in his life to return to see the Hebrews? Being a member of Pharaoh's household, how much about the treatment of the Hebrew slaves did he know?
  8. Exodus 2:12 tells us Moses looked to make sure there wasn't eyewitnesses before he killed the Egyptian that was mistreating the Hebrew slave. How did you think the Hebrew man knew about Moses killing the Egyptian? Why didn't Hebrew man celebrate the protection that Moses gave to fellow Hebrew?
  9. The fellow Hebrew asks Moses, "Who made you a prince and a judge over us?" in Exodus 2:14. Did Moses believe he have authority over the children of Israel? If so, why would he believe had authority and where did he think he receive it?
  10. What lesson or lessons do you think Moses is learning by tending his father-in law's sheep? Why are the lessons necessary? How does God apply the lessons later in Moses's life? When has God used lessons in your life for His glory? How did you react while learning the lesson? How did you react when God applied the lesson?

Key Words/Phrase

Moses, v. 10.


Levi's daughter, Pharaoh's daughter, mother of Moses, sister, Moses, Pharaoh, seven daughters of priests, shepherds, Reuel, Zipporah, Gershom.

Strong Verse(s)

24, 25.