Exodus - Chapter-19

Chapter Summary

Israel at Sinai and the preparation for receiving the law.

Discussion Questions for Exodus, Chapter 19

  1. Look at John 1:14. How is the passage in John different from what is portrayed in Exodus 19? How does Exodus 19 help us understand how drastic John 1:14 really is?
  2. Based on verses 5-6, what is God's purpose with Israel? Why do you think this is God's project and what would be his goal in it? How does this inform our own life goals?
  3. How can verses 7-8 give us a better understanding of the voluntary nature of God's covenant with Israel? Do they fulfill their promise? Do we fulfill these kinds of promises ourselves? Give specific examples from your life.
  4. What other passages feature events on a third day? What does this pattern show us about events that happen on the third day?
  5. Do you think the people's fearful reaction is right or wrong? Should we have this kind of fear today? Do we have this kind of fear today? In what circumstances of life do we see this more than others?
  6. Why is there a command in verse 21 against breaking through and looking? What does this teach us about God and his relationship to humanity?
  7. What are the ways the people are to prepare for God's arrival? What are ways we could show respect to God when we encounter him today?
  8. Are God's people today to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation? Why or why not?
  9. Why does verse 24 says God would break out against the people? How does this give us a picture of a healthy fear of God?
  10. Verse 18 describes smoken and fire imagery. Where else is this imagery used in Exodus? How is this fitting imagery for God?

Key Words/Phrase

Ready, vv. 11, 15.


God, Moses, Aaron.

Strong Verse(s)

6, 6.