Exodus - Chapter-18

Chapter Summary

Moses Joined by his wife and children. Judges selected to solve the problems of the people.

Discussion Questions for Exodus, Chapter 18

  1. Looking at the beginning of this chapter, do you interpret Moses' sending away of his wife as a sort of divorce or some other sending away? Give reasons for your decision.
  2. What might Moses' sending away of his wife and children teach us about the sinfulness of even great leaders? What might this teach us about reconciliation?
  3. What do verses 8-12 teach us about God's interest in non-Israelites? How might this instruct our mission to witness even to people very different from us?
  4. What do verses 8-12 show us about the importance of personal witness in retelling God's salvation? How might we use this today?
  5. Verse 12 pictures a meal with God and with a large group of people. Do you think this is similar to the Lord's Supper and what does it teach us about the communal nature of faith?
  6. Verse 16 mentions laws, but the bulk of the Sinai laws aren't given until the section beginning in chapter 20. How would you explain this seeming discrepancy?
  7. Verses 17-18 explain the necessity of delegating and not overworking - even in ministry matters. How can we apply this to the rythms of our lives?
  8. In this chapter, the administration of God's law is changed in an important way, based on the advice of the foreign priest Jethro. What does this teach us about God's law and the way it is enacted? Are there any implications for ministry today?
  9. What do we learn about God's law from the fact the Moses and other judges are needed to administer it and interpret the more difficult cases? How can we today recognize the importance not just of law but also of leadership and wisdom?
  10. What does verse 21 teach us about qualifications for leadership? Are these similar or different from what people today look for in a leader?

Key Words/Phrase

Told, V. 8 (testimony).


God, Moses, Aaron, Jethro, Zipporah, Gershom, Eliezer.

Strong Verse(s)

8, 9, 10.