Exodus - Chapter-13

Chapter Summary

Firstborn set apart for Jehovah. Directions for feast of unleavened bread and consecration of males.

Discussion Questions for Exodus, Chapter 13

  1. Israel's firstborns were saved in the previous chapter, but this chapter says they still need to be devoted to God. What does this teach us about God's purposes in salvation and the need for devotion and obedience?
  2. Why is it important to remember God's acts of salvation? What practices can we employ to do the same today?
  3. How is passover a memorial for people's eyes, hands and mouths? What does this teach us about our own passover of the Lord's Supper?
  4. What do verses 14-15 show us about God's intentions for parenting? Are there similar practices to this one that we can use today?
  5. Israel's firstborns were saved in the previous chapter but now they are to sacrifice them. What does this teach us about potential similarities between Egypt and Israel in terms of sin?
  6. What do verses 1-2 teach us about God's lordship? Do you have this mindset with your own possessions? Why or why not?
  7. What do you think was God's purpose in bringing Israel out of slavery? What does this teach us about our duty in promoting freedom of various kinds today?
  8. What do we learn about God's skill in leadership and foreknowledge in verse 17? How can this give us hope?
  9. Can you think of examples in your own life where God guided you in a way similar to that of verse 17?
  10. What is important about the bones of Joseph in verse 19? What do we learn about the importance of holding on to God's promises even today?

Key Words/Phrase

Remember, v. 3.


God, Moses, Joseph.

Strong Verse(s)

9, 16, 21, 22.