Exodus - Chapter-11

Chapter Summary

Last plague. Death of firstborn prophesied.

Discussion Questions for Exodus, Chapter 11

  1. Why might some find this last plague troubling? How could we explain the rationale and morality of it?
  2. Why is it important in verse 7 that there be a distinction between Israel and Egypt? What does this communicate about who this people is and who their God is?
  3. Verse 10 describes Pharaoh's heart, a theme that has occurred throughout the past few chapters. How would you summarize and explain the interaction between God's hardening and Pharaoh's own hardening of his heart? How would you explain God's justice in this?
  4. In verse 9, what is the result of Pharaoh's refusal to do good to Israel? How does this give us hope as Christians facing enemies today?
  5. God doesn't just bring the people out of Egypt, but does it in a particularly amazing way. Describe how this is the case and what this teaches about the character of God and how this gives us a deeper understanding of his salvation.
  6. Verse 8 describes how even Pharaoh's servants are against him. How does this fit in with the book's broader goal of portraying Pharaoh?
  7. How does this plague fit within the broader context of the other plagues? What do they teach us about God's character in salvation that we could apply to our lives today?
  8. How do verses 2-3 contribute to the picture of this great salvation? Is this similar or different to how people oppose the people of God today?
  9. What does verse 10 teach us about the complicated relationship between faith and miracles? How does this relate to what we read of Jesus and the miracles he performed?
  10. How can we use verse 10 as a warning to us in our own lives? What specific actions or areas would it address?

Key Words/Phrase

Death, vv. 1, 5.


God, Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 7.