Esther Chapter 8 Summary
The vengeance order of Ahasuerus.
Discussion Questions for Esther, Chapter 8
- What do you think is the significance of Mordecai being given the signet ring of the king, which formerly belonged to Haman? What do you believe this tells us about the king’s view of Mordecai?
- What emotions can we assume Esther was experiencing as she once again had to beg the king for mercy? Do you think she was doing so out of obligation to her uncle or genuine compassion for her people? Why do you think so?
- Do you believe King Ahasuerus was remorseful of his irreversible edict against the Jews? Why or why not? Do you think he displays an appropriate attitude when seeking to correct the wrong? Why or why not?
- Esther’s appeal to the king required courage and persistence on her part. How does God give us courage in the face of trials? In what ways has the Lord sustained you in the face of difficult circumstances?
- Why could the king’s original edict against the Jews not be revoked? How did Mordecai navigate around this when issuing a new edict? Through this, we learn that the authority of King Ahasuerus has limits. How is this different from the authority of God?
- The new edict issued by Mordecai enabled Jews to fight back and seek “vengeance” against their enemies. When you consider God's character, do you spend more time thinking about his goodness towards us or his vengeance against his enemies? Does one characteristic take away from the other? Can both exist in a perfect God? Why or why not?
- If something similar were to happen today, do you think the new edict, allowing God's people to defend themselves, would be fair or unfair? Explain. How does the sovereignty of God come into play?
- At the end of chapter 8, Mordecai is once again publicly honored by the king. How is this different from the time the king commands Haman to honor Mordecai? How might it have been a different experience for Mordecai?
- As a result of the new edict, “the Jews had light and gladness and joy and honor” (v. 16, ESV). This took place before the events of the edict had even come to pass. How might the rejoicing of the Jews here serve as an example to us in relation to God's promises? Can we, like the Jews, celebrate even before the promises are fulfilled? Why or why not?
- Read verse 17. How is the whole country affected by this new edict? Do you think this is evidence of God's ultimate plan to bring the nations to him? Why or why not?
Key Words/Phrase
Decree, v. 17.
Ahasuerus, Esther, Mordecai.
Strong Verse(s)