Ephesians Chapter 6 Summary

Domestic life of Spirit-filled believers. Warfare of the believer.

Discussion Questions for Ephesians, Chapter 6

  1. Verses 1–4 give another example of how we can submit to one another. How would (or could) you as a parent submit to your child in Christ? How does this affect the way you view your children?
  2. Verse 4 instructs fathers to not “stir up anger” in their children. What does this look like practically? How can parents balance discipline with love?
  3. Was Paul condoning the use of human slavery in verses 5–9? Why or why not? What timeless principle can we take away from this passage?
  4. The word “Lord” (kurios is Greek) is also used for the word “master” found in verses 5-9. Have you ever considered your God your master before? How does being a slave to Christ affect the way you live your life?
  5. Why does God want you to serve your masters (bosses, government, etc.) with a good attitude? How does this attitude help fulfill the plan that He has for your life?
  6. What does it take to be strengthened by the Lord? What things have you done with His strength?
  7. What does a belt do? How does the Belt of Truth (verse 14) symbolize integrity and honesty in our lives? Why is it crucial in spiritual warfare?
  8. How does righteousness protect us like armor on our chests? How can you make sure you have feet that are “sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace” (verse 15, CSB)?
  9. The sword of the Spirit is the only offensive item mentioned in verses 10–20. Why do you think this is? Why doesn't Paul consider any other part of our faith to be an offensive weapon? How does the Bible serve as a spiritual weapon?
  10. The juxtaposition of Paul being an ambassador (a person who travels to faraway lands) in chains is powerful. How is he acting as an ambassador? How is he in chains? How does Paul's mindset here inspire you to live a similar life?

Key Words/Phrase

Warfare, vv. 11-12.


Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Satan, Tychicus.

Strong Verse(s)

8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18.