Ephesians Chapter 2 Summary

Method of Gentile salvation. Jew and Gentile made one body in Christ, a habitation of God through the Spirit.

Discussion Questions for Ephesians, Chapter 2

  1. Why does the Bible consistently portray living in sin as death? How does sin lead to death?
  2. Every person used to walk in the flesh, but some now walk in the Spirit. Why is it important to remember that we have all struggled with sin at one point or another?
  3. What does Paul mean when he says that we were “by nature” (verse 3, CSB) children of wrath? Is sin an inherent part of being human? Why do you think that is?
  4. What is the difference between grace and mercy? How has God shown His mercy to you? How has God shown you grace?
  5. Verses 9 and 10 show that we are saved by faith, not by works. Why do some Christians claim that works are necessary for salvation? How would you respond to a fellow believer that believes this way? How do you think they would respond?
  6. What was your life like without Christ? How has your daily life changed? If your life hasn't changed much, why do you think that is?
  7. God’s desire is to reconcile Israel and Gentiles to Him and to each other, but do we see that today? Are Jewish people part of the family of God in the same way that believers are? Why or why not?
  8. What divisions do you see today? How can Jesus Christ’s blood bring these groups together?
  9. Consider what it took to be a citizen of Rome. Why is citizenship in the Kingdom of God such a big deal to Paul? Why should it be a big deal to us?
  10. In 70 AD, the 2nd temple was destroyed. Where is the temple now? Why do you think Paul mentions the temple in verse 21? How can this be used to help share the good news with unbelieving Jews?

Key Words/Phrase

Reconciliation, v. 16.


God, Christ.

Strong Verse(s)

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22.