Ephesians Chapter 1 Summary
Believer's position in grace. The prayer for knowledge and power.
Discussion Questions for Ephesians, Chapter 1
- Paul’s letter to the Ephesians opens up in a much more encouraging manner than some of the other books. Why was this church more willing to listen and obey than some of the other churches? What other letters were written to the people of Ephesus? Why is this an important detail?
- Does God choose us (v. 4) or do we put our hope and belief in Christ (vv. 12-13)? Or both? Can one occur without the other? Why or why not?
- How can the eyes our heart be enlightented (v. 18, CSB)? Paul prays that the saints at Ephesus would know "the hope of his calling," "the wealth of his glorious inheritance," and "the immeasureable greatness of his power." (vv. 18-19) What is each those, and why is it important that we know what those are?
- How many times does the phrase “In him” or “In Christ” (or similar phrases) appear in this first chapter? What does it mean to be “In him”?
- With Christ as the center of verses 3-14, He is the source of all blessing. How has the Lord blessed you? How can you bless the Lord?
- How is the Holy Spirit “the downpayment of our inheritance” (verse 14, CSB)? If the Holy Spirit is the downpayment, what does the fullness of that downpayment look like?
- How might the Ephesian church have been a blessing to Paul during this time in his life? How can living a faithful life give hope to those that have poured into you?
- What is the “wealth of *his* inheritance” mentioned in verse 19 (CSB)? As adopted children, how do we also get to partake in this inheritance?
- If Christ is above every ruler, why do we still have bad rulers? Why doesn’t the Lord punish these bad rulers?
- Who is the head of the Church? Who is the head of your church? What makes this person head of your church?
Key Words/Phrase
Spiritual blessings, v. 3.
Christ, God, Holy Spirit, Paul.
Strong Verse(s)
3, 4, 7, 13, 14, 22, 23.