Deuteronomy Chapter 28 Summary

Conditions of blessing in the land and causes of chastisement.

Discussion Questions for Deuteronomy, Chapter 28

  1. Is verse 1 true today? Has it been true in history? Do you think God has a plan to make this true in the future with Israel or another nation? If so, describe how.
  2. Why would God want to bless in verses 1–6? How do we see God's love in this, and how does this shape our view of God and our relationship with Him?
  3. What does verse 8 teach us about who is really behind success in man's work? How does this shape our view of work today?
  4. What does it mean to be a holy people for God’s self in verse 9? How can believers fulfill this calling today?
  5. Do you usually think more about God’s blessings or his curses? Explain why and explain how you might fix any imbalances in your thinking.
  6. Is God just in cursing Israel in this chapter? How might you respond to someone who claims he is not?
  7. Why is it important for Israel to hear these curses in advance? What was the lesson for them, and how is it still relevant for us today?
  8. Do you think God curses those who disobey him today? What are some examples? What are some examples of people who seem not to be cursed and why might this be?
  9. Verse 46 mentions that the curses are a sign. What do you think the sign is to point to, and how is this a lesson for us today?
  10. Verse 58 mentions fear. How do the curses in this chapter lead to a healthy fear of God? How can we have a healthy fear of God today?

Key Words/Phrase

Obedience (keep commandments), v. 1.


God, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)

2, 58.