Deuteronomy Chapter 24 Summary

Law concerning divorce; miscellaneous regulations.

Discussion Questions for Deuteronomy, Chapter 24

  1. If divorce was not part of God's plan for men and women, why does God give instructions on it?
  2. How do verses 1-3 compare to Matthew 5:31–32? Why do you think Jesus seemingly rescinds the laws regarding divorce?
  3. The Leviticus chapters 13 and 14 give special instructions regarding caring for a person with skin diseases. How does this compare to how Jesus dealt with a man with leprosy in Matthew 8:1-4? Was Jesus disobedient to the law in this moment? Why or why not?
  4. In Jesus’ dealing with a man with leprosy in Matthew 8:1-4, why was it such a radical reflection of His love for that man? How does this relate to our own hearts?
  5. What did the Lord do to Miriam during the journey from Egypt? How does this relate to the previous verses?
  6. Read Amos 2:6–16. How does this compare to Deuteronomy 24:6–22? How do you think Israel fell so far away from the Lord? What can you do in your life to prevent a similar type of stumbling?
  7. The human rights listed in verses 6–22 cover various topics, but what common theme can you find in each one? Why is this important for the Israelites to follow?
  8. Some of the human rights listed in verse 6–22 aren’t really applicable to us today, so what might be some modern versions of them? What will you change about your lifestyle to be obedient to this passage?
  9. Leaving some of a farmer’s crop out in the field was costly, and it cut into that farmer’s profits, but it provided food for the lowest in Israel. What costs would you be willing to bear for the needy in your community?
  10. What stories in the Bible are you reminded of when you read verses 19–22? Why do you think that these verses have had such a wide impact on the different stories you were reminded of? What connects each of these stories?

Key Words/Phrase

Divorce, v. 1.


God, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)