Deuteronomy Chapter 22 Summary

Law of brotherhood, separation, unchaste wives and husbands.

Discussion Questions for Deuteronomy, Chapter 22

  1. Today, we don’t lose our oxen or sheep very often, so what would a more modern example look like? How can you show neighborly love in these situations?
  2. Worshiping sex and sexual identities has become a new normal for society. God despises this kind of behavior, just like with all sin. How can you show love to a coworker or friend that has fallen victim to this type of idolatry?
  3. Some of the commands given in verses 5–12 seem odd. How would this have been interpreted in ancient Israel? How would you take that idea and apply it to your life?
  4. Verses 13–30 deal with sinful approaches to sex and sexual desire. In what ways has sexual idolatry increased over time? How can you guard your heart and mind from these broken perspectives of sex and sexual desire?
  5. Verses 13-30 are difficult to reason with in the modern age. How would these laws have been countercultural to the norms of society at the time? How can you live out your marriage (or even a dating relationship) in a countercultural way that honors Christ?
  6. Why was the penalty of sexual misconduct death? How does this shed light on how seriously God considers sexual sin?
  7. Verses 19 and 29 describe situations where the husband can never divorce his wife. Why might this be considered a form of justice, even considering the wife probably did not want to be married to that man in the first place?
  8. Compare verses 13–30 with Matthew 5:27–30. Jesus’ words seem so simple (and yet more difficult to follow) compared to the various laws given to the Israelites, so why were all these laws necessary?
  9. What steps can you take to prevent sexual brokenness from having a stranglehold on your heart? What needs to be confessed and repented from today?
  10. Further instructions regarding sexual abuse can be found in Exodus 22:16–17. This mirrors Deuteronomy 22:28–29’s instructions regarding sexual misconduct. What similarities and differences can you find? Do they describe the same situation? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

Brotherly, v. 1, (whoredom, v. 21).


God, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)