Deuteronomy Chapter 21 Summary

Inquest for the slain. Domestic regulations.

Discussion Questions for Deuteronomy, Chapter 21

  1. Why do you think that they were commanded to bring the cow to a “continually flowing stream, to a place not tilled or sown” in verse 4 (CSB)? Why was this not done at the altar like other sacrifices?
  2. How do you see Christ in verses 1–9?
  3. Why do you think the ritual in verses 1–9 was necessary? Why was spilling the blood of a cow needed?
  4. Are verses 10–14 condoning stealing women from foreign lands? Why or why not?
  5. As a modern reader, verses 10–14 would be a disgusting misuse of power during wartime if seen today. How should we interpret this passage? How would this have been a revolutionary way to treat captives in ancient Israel?
  6. Verses 10–17 can make modern readers squirm in their seats, and rightfully so. What is a timeless principle that we can learn from this difficult passage?
  7. Does the Lord ever sanction multiple marriages? Why does God give instructions about this subject if it was never part of His original plan?
  8. What people in the Bible do verses 15–17 remind you of? What could have prevented the brokenness in their situation? Why?
  9. How rebellious do you think your own child would have to be to want to stone them to death? Do you think this commandment was followed very often? Why or why not?
  10. What does it mean to be “under God's curse” in verse 2 (CSB)? How does this relate to Christ?

Key Words/Phrase

Guilt, v. 9 (wife, 10-17), rebellious son, (18-23).


God, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)