Daniel Chapter 8 Summary
The ram and rough goat vision, and its interpretation.
Discussion Questions for Daniel, Chapter 8
- Verse 1 connects this chapter with chapter 7. What similarities and differences do you see? What might be some of the reasons that these passages are connected?
- What is the attitude of the beast in verse 4? Is this attitude pleasing to God or not? Explain why. Are there examples of similar attitudes in nations today? How might this passage change them?
- Verse 7 says the beast is unbeatable. Does this hold true later in the passage? What does this teach us about pride and how does it apply to nations today? How might this passage correct this?
- What do verses 13–14 teach us about God's precise providence? What do they teach us about restoration in the future? How does this give us hope?
- Why do you think the vision isn’t self-evident and Daniel would need help in verse 16? What lesson does this have for Daniel and for us?
- What is verse 24 saying about the true source of power? Do most nations today recognize this? Why or why not?
- Verse 25 teaches God guides the affairs of humans and nations. How might this look today? How does this shape our view of governments and wars?
- What is Daniel’s reaction to the vision in verse 27? Is it justifiable? How is this similar or different from your own reaction to the passage? Explain what might cause this.
- Do you find this chapter more or less difficult to understand and apply compared to other passages in Daniel? Why might this be, and do you think this is intentional on the part of the author?
- How might you summarize this chapter and its meaning and application to a new believer who is confused by it?
Key Words/Phrase
End-time Indignation, v. 19.
God, Christ, Gabriel, Daniel, Belshazzar, anti-Christ.
Strong Verse(s)
2S, 24, 25.