Daniel Chapter 7 Summary
The beast vision of Daniel, forecasting the four world empires and the final heading up under anti-Christ. Vision of Christ coming in glory. Interpretation of the beast vision.
Discussion Questions for Daniel, Chapter 7
- What is Daniel’s reaction to the beasts at the beginning of this chapter? How does that show us what our reaction should be and what part of the point of the passage is?
- Compare the beasts in this chapter with the types of animals listed in Genesis 1. What is wrong with the picture in Daniel 7, and what does this teach us?
- Who is the Ancient of Days in verses 9-10? How is he described and what do you think we are to learn about his character from the description?
- How do people react to the Ancient of Days in verse 10? What does this teach us about how we should react, and what are specific ways we can do this today?
- Who is causing the actions in verses 11-12? Why are they doing this, and how can this picture give us hope?
- Who is the character in verses 13–14, and how do they relate to the Ancient of Days? What are some other passages that talk about the Son of Man that could help our understanding of this passage?
- What kind of practices are taught in verse 14, and how could we apply them ourselves?
- What does verse 22 tell us about our future hope? How would you use this verse to share the hope Christians have with an unbeliever?
- What negative things are described in verse 25? Do you see examples of this happening to believers today? How does this passage help us have hope, even in such circumstances?
- How does verse 26 solve the problem of verse 25? How could we use verse 26 to give us a better perspective on the events of our own lives?
Key Words/Phrase
Kingdom visions, v. 1.
God, Christ, Daniel, Belshazzar, anti-Christ.
Strong Verse(s)
9, 14, 27.