Daniel Chapter 5 Summary
Daniel's personal history under Belshazzar and Darius. The pride of Belshazzar and his downfall. The writing on the wall. Its interpretation and fulfillment.
Discussion Questions for Daniel, Chapter 5
- What is the king’s attitude to the God of Israel in verses 2–3? How does this relate to attitudes today?
- What do you think is the author's attitude toward the idols mentioned in verse 4? What sort of idols do people have today?
- Why do you think Daniel refuses the gifts in verse 17? What can we learn from this today?
- Where does power come from according to verse 18? Is this true today? How does this shape the way we view government?
- What story is being referenced in verses 21–22? How does this show us what the moral of that story was and how people should react to it? How can we avoid missing the point as this king did?
- Why would pride be an attack on God? Why would God respond negatively to it? In what ways do people attack God with their pride today?
- In what areas are you most prone to pride? What steps could you take to grow in humility?
- Can you think of examples of leaders that fell due to their pride? How is this a warning to us as well?
- If you were in Daniel’s shoes, would you have the boldness to say these things to the king? How can we learn from Daniel’s example?
- What would have been a better way for the king to react? How can we apply this to situations in our own day and time?
Key Words/Phrase
Found wanting, v. 27.
God, Belshazzar, Queen, Daniel, Darius, Nebuchadnezzar, Astrologers.
Strong Verse(s)