Daniel Chapter 3 Summary

Pride of Nebuchadnezzar and his punishment. The image of gold. The three Jews refuse to worship the image. Fiery furnace proven harmless. The king convinced.

Discussion Questions for Daniel, Chapter 3

  1. Why do you think the king sets up the statue in this passage? Where do you think he got the idea and what do you think he hopes to accomplish?
  2. What do we learn about human nature from the building of the statue? Do we see similar patterns of pride today? What are they?
  3. If you were in this situation, would you respond like the three friends? Explain why or why not?
  4. Are there examples in our own country or in other countries of governments making demands like in this passage? How do Christians normally respond?
  5. Are there areas in our own lives where we are faced with similar problems as the three friends in this passage? How could we apply this passage in our response?
  6. How do you think the men came to the conclusion that it was right to disobey the king in this passage? What principles carry over to our lives today?
  7. Is the faith and hope demonstrated in verses 17–18 similar to or different from our own practice? Explain why. What are some ways we could grow more like the three men in this passage?
  8. How would the story be different if God didn’t save the men? Would the message of the story change? Explain why or why not?
  9. How do verses 28–30 show us God’s larger plan in the story? What does it communicate to us today?
  10. Do you know of any parts of the world where believers might identify more closely with this passage? How can we learn from this and how does it relate to our identification with this passage?

Key Words/Phrase

Deliver, vv. 17, 28.


God, Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.

Strong Verse(s)

17, 28.