Daniel Chapter 11 Summary

Prophecy covering the period from Darius to anti-Christ, showing the confiicts of nations, and final heading up for destruction.

Discussion Questions for Daniel, Chapter 11

  1. What are your initial reactions to this passage? Do you find this passage more difficult to understand and apply? Why or why not?
  2. What do we learn about God that he gives such a detailed prophecy of the future? What implications does this have for us as we look toward the future today?
  3. How does this passage give us hope? In what specific ways can we apply this hope to our lives?
  4. How does this passage’s prophecy of difficult times help believers face those difficulties? What difficulties has Jesus prophesied, and how does knowing of them in advance help us have hope?
  5. How might you explain this passage and why it is in Daniel to someone who is not very familiar with the Bible?
  6. Many non-believers claim that this passage was written not as a prophecy, but was written after the events occurred. Would this change the overall message and application of the passage? How would you respond to the claim?
  7. What does verse 45 teach about the fate of God's enemies? What application does this have for us?
  8. What does verse 36 mean when it says that what is decreed must be done? What does this teach us about what is going on behind the scenes of these events, and how can this give us hope?
  9. Do we see people magnifying themselves above God today? What examples of this do we see, and how does this chapter guide our reaction to these things?
  10. What is part of the purpose of suffering, based on verse 35? How can we strive to have these attributes amid suffering today?

Key Words/Phrase

Time of the end, v. 40.


God, Daniel, Kings of Persia and Greece, anti-Christ.

Strong Verse(s)

32, 33.