Daniel Chapter 1 Summary

Personal history of Daniel. Reason for appearance of Daniel and his friends before Nebuchadnezzar.

Discussion Questions for Daniel, Chapter 1

  1. In verse 2, why would God give Judah into enemy hands? Is this—should it be troubling? Why or why not?
  2. In verse 8, what about the food would be defiling? Why do you think Daniel believes this, and what belief about God do you think is making him think this?
  3. Are there situations in your own job where you are asked to do something that you might not agree with? What are they?
  4. Are there parts of the world where governments ask people to do things that are defiling? What are some examples?
  5. How could we apply Daniel’s example of protest to situations in our own lives?
  6. How do you think the events of verse 1 might have shaped Judah’s views of God? How might it have shaped Babylon’s views? What would be the biblical response to events like those in verse 1?
  7. Have you or someone you know spent an extended period of time in a different country and culture? How might that experience shed light on the difficulty of Daniel’s experience in this chapter?
  8. Why might the names of the men be changed in verse 7? How would this affect their identity? If you were in their shoes, what kind of emotions would this have caused?
  9. What does this chapter teach us about God's faithfulness in difficult circumstances? What other passages teach this, and how does it affect us today?
  10. What lesson does this chapter teach us about obedience, even when it is difficult? Are there similar situations in our own lives where obedience is costly?

Key Words/Phrase

Heart purpose, v. 8.


Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Hananiah, Judah, Mishael, Azariah, Ashpenaz, Cyrus, Jeholakim, Melzar.

Strong Verse(s)