Choose a chapter to view the questions

  • Daniel, Chapter 1: Personal history of Daniel. Reason for appearance of Daniel and his friends before Nebuchadnezzar.
  • Daniel, Chapter 2: Visions of Nebuchadnezzar and their results. The forgotten dream and the failure of the astrologers. Daniel's interpretation after prayer for wisdom.
  • Daniel, Chapter 3: Pride of Nebuchadnezzar and his punishment. The image of gold. The three Jews refuse to worship the image. Fiery furnace proven harmless. The king convinced.
  • Daniel, Chapter 4: Nebuchadnezzar's proclamation. The true vision and its interpretation. Vision fulfilled; the restoration of Nebuchadnezzar.
  • Daniel, Chapter 5: Daniel's personal history under Belshazzar and Darius. The pride of Belshazzar and his downfall. The writing on the wall. Its interpretation and fulfillment.
  • Daniel, Chapter 6: Daniel's history to the accession of Cyrus. Decree of Darius. Daniel's steadfastness. Daniel in the lion's den and his deliverance. Darius' new decree.
  • Daniel, Chapter 7: The beast vision of Daniel, forecasting the four world empires and the final heading up under anti-Christ. Vision of Christ coming in glory. Interpretation of the beast vision.
  • Daniel, Chapter 8: The ram and rough goat vision, and its interpretation.
  • Daniel, Chapter 9: Vision of the seventy weeks. Daniers prayer and confession.
  • Daniel, Chapter 10: Visions of the glory of God. The heavenly messenger detained, but comes at last to show Daniel things to come, in answer to prayer.
  • Daniel, Chapter 11: Prophecy covering the period from Darius to anti-Christ, showing the confiicts of nations, and final heading up for destruction.
  • Daniel, Chapter 12: The great tribulation of the last days, and the resurrection foretold. The last message to Daniel.