Colossians Chapter 1 Summary
Apostolic greeting and prayer. The superiority of Christ. His reconciling work. The mystery of His indwelling.
Discussion Questions for Colossians, Chapter 1
- What fruit of the Gospel do you see in your life? Why is it important that fruit be produced?
- Paul was constantly praying for the church in Colossae. What was he praying for? Who are you constantly praying for? What do you pray for?
- If works cannot save us, why should we walk in a manner that is pleasing to Him? What does it look like to walk in a manner that is pleasing to Him?
- If Jesus is the image of the invisible God, how does that help us interpret Old Testament texts where the Lord appeared to people?
- If Jesus was not created but is the creator, why does Paul name him “the firstborn of all creation” (verse 15, CSB)? How do we reconcile these two descriptions of Jesus?
- Read 1 Corinthians 12:12–31. If Christ is the head of the church, is there any other part that has more authority than another? Why do some churches organize in ways that seemingly disobey this principle?
- Jesus had the fullness of God within him during his ministry on earth. If that is the case, how could he be around sin here on the earth? Why do you think the Holy Spirit is able to reside within us even though we are still full of sin?
- Jesus poured out his own blood to reconcile us to him. How does that inform us on the way we should seek out reconciliation? Besides us, what else is Jesus reconciling to himself? What does that mean?
- Paul rejoices in his suffering. When was the last time you praised God for your suffering? Why might a person rejoice in their pain?
- Why do you think some Jews had difficulty accepting Gentiles into the faith? If God wanted to bring Gentiles in, why do you think He waited so long instead of bringing them in during the time of David, Moses, or even Abraham?
Key Words/Phrase
Mighty Christ, vv. 11, 15.
God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy, Epaphras.
Strong Verse(s)
10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20.