Amos Chapter 4 Summary

Threatening against the oppresors in Israel. Israel reminded of God's chastening in the past.

Discussion Questions for Amos, Chapter 4

  1. Why does God specifically call out “women” (HCSB) in this passage? What sins were they specifically being charged with? Why does God compare them to “cows” (HCSB)? In what ways have you possibly committed the same sins that these women in verse 1 had?
  2. Why does God compare the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to some of the cities destroyed in Israel? What sins did Sodom and Gomorrah commit? In what ways have you seen God address unrepentant sin in your own life?
  3. Why had God visited so much destruction, like “plagues” (HCSB) and “blight” (HCSB)? How did God attempt to use these for restoration in Israel? How have you seen God use suffering and devastation in your life to bring you back to Him?
  4. What does it mean for God to swear “by His holiness” (HCSB)? Why can we trust God at His word based on Who He is? In what ways do you trust God's Word in your life to be trustworthy and right?
  5. What historical event is Amos referring to in verse 2? Is there a similarity to Habakkuk chapter 1 and the coming of the Babylonians? Why does God sometimes allow evil and cruelty to prevail? How does it cause you to believe or trust God more when you experience suffering at the hands of others?
  6. How does verse 13 exemplify God’s power over nature and creation? Why is it important for us to understand God’s sovereignty over the natural world? In what ways might this cause you to praise God for His authority and power?
  7. Why does God repeatedly say “yet you did not return to me”? What does this teach us about the nature of God's redemption and pursuit of His people? How have you seen God pursue restoration in your life through difficult circumstances?
  8. Why does God “mock” the Israelites' outward display of sacrifices and offerings? What does this teach us about what God truly desires in our giving? In what ways have you given outwardly, but inwardly had the wrong heart motivations?
  9. Why does God specifically address the “young men” (HCSB) and “captured horses” (HCSB)? In what ways were the Israelites depending on earthly strength and abilities? How have you relied more on your own abilities than on God's power and strength?
  10. Why does God call Himself “Yahweh, the God of Hosts” (HCSB) in verse 13? What is the significance of these two names? In what ways does knowing God's names impact how you view Him and what you think about Him?

Key Words/Phrase

Israel's stubbornness, vv. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.



Strong Verse(s)

12 (b), 13.