Acts Chapter 4 Summary
The first persecution. Peter's address to the Sanhedrin. Preaching in Jesus' name forbidden. Christians again filled with the Spirit. State of the Church at Jerusalem.
Discussion Questions for Acts, Chapter 4
- A key theme in Acts is the spreading of the Word even in spite of opposition. What opposition to the gospel arrives on the tail end of Peter’s preaching? Why were these people particularly annoyed? How did God’s Word continue to spread?
- The Jewish leaders questioned Peter and John about the healing. What irrefutable evidence does Peter use to testify of Jesus’ power? What are some positive reasons for resistance when we speak of gospel ministry?
- When the Sanhedrin (the builders Peter mentions) rejected Jesus, what did God build? How does one embrace God’s work and stand on that foundation?
- As the apostles testified, what did the leaders notice about them? Why do you think this was significant?
- How did the church respond after this encounter? Did God bless their efforts? How did God supernaturally respond to their prayers? What are some challenges in your life right now that God can turn you to praise him for?
- The bold preaching of the gospel led to incredible generosity as well. How did the church community care for each other? What do you think the unbelievers thought about this lifestyle?
- Should believers regularly prepare for spiritual warfare? Who are we fighting against? What are our weapons in the fight? What is our hope in the conflict?
- How would you respond if an authority figure commanded you to stop speaking about Jesus? What would it cost you to press on and preach Christ? How do Christians submit to our rulers while also boldly obeying King Jesus?
- Do you pray with other believers on a regular basis? Do your prayers reflect the boldness of the apostles? What would you ask God to do if you knew he would do it?
- Who do you know that needs to hear the gospel? Will you commit to pray regularly for their salvation? How can you invite other believers to help you reach them for Christ?
Key Words/Phrase
Persecution, vv. 3, 29.
God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Peter, priests, captain, Sadducees, elders, scribes, Annas, Alexander, lame man, John, David, Herod, Pilate, Moses.
Strong Verse(s)
11, 12, 20, 31.