Acts Chapter 24 Summary

Paul accused before Felix, and his defense.

Discussion Questions for Acts, Chapter 24

  1. How are the charges against Paul and the charges that were brought against Jesus when he stood before Pilate similar? In what ways are these similar to the charges brought against Christians today?
  2. Paul’s own people, the Jews, brought charges against him. How do you think this made Paul feel? How have you felt when those close to you have stood against you? How can you respond in love and kindness during these times?
  3. How does Paul defend himself against the charges brought before Felix? How would you have defended yourself?
  4. Why did Paul's accusers see the “Way” as a sect? In what ways were they threatened by the Way? Why does the world today feel threatened by the Way?
  5. What does Paul say is the real reason he is on trial in verse 21? What does Paul mean by this?
  6. Why does the resurrection of the dead matter? What happens to our faith if the resurrection is not true?
  7. How does Paul show compassion to Paul? When was a time someone showed compassion to you that you did not expect?
  8. What things did Paul talk to Felix about that brought about conviction? What topics does our world feel convicted about?
  9. How many years does Paul remain in custody? Do you think Paul expected to be in custody for this amount of time? How have you endured a trial that lasted for a lengthy season? How has God sustained you during these times?
  10. Why did Felix leave Paul in prison? When was a time when you made a decision in order to please other people? How did this decision dishonor God?

Key Words/Phrase

Accused, v. 2.


Ananias, elders, Tertullus, Felix, Paul, Lysias, Drusilla, Festus.

Strong Verse(s)