Acts Chapter 23 Summary

Paul before the Sanhedrin. The conspiracy to kill Paul and its defeat. Paul sent to Felix.

Discussion Questions for Acts, Chapter 23

  1. Paul believed he had lived his life before God in good conscience. What does it look like for you to live daily in “good conscience” before God? What areas are you tempted to not live in “good conscience”?
  2. What does Paul mean by “whitewashed wall” in verse 3? How are you living a “whitewashed” life?
  3. Who were the Sadducees and Pharisees? What did they believe that was opposed to the gospel message? What are some ways that you live like the Sadducees and Pharisees? What steps can you take to guard against living this way?
  4. What was God’s encouraging word to Paul in verse 11? Does God free Paul or send him on? When was the time God called you to continue in the midst of a difficult circumstance rather than free you from it?
  5. Why were the Jews committed to killing Paul? In what ways is this reflective of their feelings about Jesus?
  6. God provides a warning through Paul's nephew. Who has God used in your life to warn you of coming danger? How did you respond to their warning?
  7. The charges against Paul were related to the law, but undeserving of death. What freedoms in Christ do you have that others try to place under the law? What laws have you placed others under in which they have freedom in Christ?
  8. Paul does not escape his accusers and must wait for them to plead his case. Have you ever had to share the gospel with someone more than once? Why was it necessary to do so?
  9. God always protects Paul even while he is arrested? What are ways that God has protected you during difficult times? How has God protected you during good times?
  10. How do you see God’s plan to take the gospel to Rome playing out in chapter 23? In what ways is God working in your life to advance the gospel?

Key Words/Phrase

Dissension (v. 7) and conspiracy (v. 13).


God, Jesus, Paul, Ananias, Pharisees, Sadduces, Paul's sister's son, centurion, chief captain, Lysias, Felix.

Strong Verse(s)