Acts Chapter 22 Summary

Paul's defense before the multitude. Recounts his conversion.

Discussion Questions for Acts, Chapter 22

  1. What was the defense Paul was making? When have you had to make a similar defense?
  2. Paul, speaking the native tongue, calmed the people. In what ways can you aid in calming a hostile situation? How does the truth of God's word defuse the hostility of the world?
  3. How had Paul persecuted the Way? In what ways have you intentionally or unintentionally persecuted the Way?
  4. How did God speak to Paul? How does God speak to us? Why is it hard to discern the voice of God? How can we prepare ourselves to hear from God more clearly?
  5. During Paul's blindness, he was guided by those who were with him. How has God used you to guide others in times when they could not spiritually see?
  6. Briefly share the time God called you to salvation? How did you know God was calling you?
  7. When was a time you argued with God about something? What was at the root of your argument with God? Did it change the outcome?
  8. When was a time you were rejected because of your beliefs? How did God reveal Himself during this time?
  9. Why does Paul plead his Roman citizenship, even though he is Jewish? How has God used your job, a hobby, or location to promote the good news of Jesus?
  10. Paul's story as a whole is a reminder of God's control of all things. In what ways do you see God's control in your past life? How has God used those things for your good and His glory?

Key Words/Phrase

Experience, v. 3.


God, Jesus, Paul, Ananias, chief captain.

Strong Verse(s)