Acts Chapter 20 Summary
Paul goes to Macedonia and Greece. His visits at Troas, Miletus. Paul's conference with the Ephesian elders.
Discussion Questions for Acts, Chapter 20
- Why do you think Paul chose to stay in Troas for seven days, despite his busy schedule? How does Paul's example challenge us to prioritize worship and fellowship with other believers in our own lives?
- Paul’s preaching in Troas leads to the miraculous revival of Eutychus. How does this incident underscore the transformative power of the Word of God? How can we cultivate a greater hunger for and reliance on the Scriptures in our own lives and churches?
- In his farewell address to the Ephesian elders, Paul emphasizes his example of serving the Lord with humility and tears. How does Paul's model of servant leadership challenge us to lead with humility and compassion in our own spheres of influence?
- Paul warns the Ephesian elders about the rise of false teachers among them. How does Paul's admonition prompt us to remain vigilant against false teaching and to hold fast to the truth of the Gospel?
- Paul charges the Ephesian elders to shepherd the flock of God entrusted to their care. How does this call challenge us to take seriously our responsibilities as spiritual leaders, mentors, and shepherds within the church?
- Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian elders is marked by tears and emotional farewells. How does this display of affection and solidarity within the Christian community highlight the importance of relational bonds and mutual support in our journey of faith?
- Paul warns the Ephesian elders about the trials and hardships that await them, both from external persecution and internal divisions. How can we prepare ourselves spiritually and emotionally to face persecution and adversity in our own lives and ministries?
- Paul encourages the Ephesian elders with his words and example, reminding them of the grace of God and the promise of the inheritance awaiting them. How can we follow Paul's example in offering words of encouragement and hope to fellow believers who are facing challenges or doubts?
- Throughout his ministry, Paul's primary focus is the proclamation of the Gospel and the advancement of God's kingdom. How does Paul's unwavering commitment to the Gospel challenge us to prioritize evangelism and discipleship in our own lives and ministries?
- As Paul bids farewell to the Ephesian elders, he leaves behind a legacy of faithful service and sacrificial love. How can we strive to leave a similar legacy of faithfulness, integrity, and devotion to Christ in our own communities and beyond?
Key Words/Phrase
Testifying, vv. 21, 24.
Jesus, Holy Spirit, Paul, Sopater, Aristarchus, Secundus, Gaius, Timothy, Tychicus, Trophimus, Eutychus, elders.
Strong Verse(s)
20, 24, 27, 28, 32, 35.