Acts Chapter 2 Summary

Holy Spirit's coming on day of Pentecost. The gospel given to the Jews. Peter's great sermon on the resurrected Christ, and the conviction of the people.

Discussion Questions for Acts, Chapter 2

  1. Jesus sent his Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. This feast marked what important event in the nation of Israel? What do you think God is communicating by sending the Spirit on that feast day? Who are the people of God today? What spiritual or historical privileges does the New Testament church enjoy today?
  2. What supernatural phenomena occurred at the Spirit’s coming? How did God use the disciples to reach people from many nations? How have you seen God work in global missions today? Why does God’s mission plan include prayer, patience, and obedience rather than instantaneous, global proclamation?
  3. Skeptics of the supernatural events accused the disciples of what sin? How did Peter respond? What Old Testament prophet foretold this day? Do you think Acts 2 partially or completely fulfilled the Joel 2 prophecy? Why?
  4. Peter’s gospel presentation is filled with joy and encouragement. What hope did he share from the gospel? How was Jesus better than King David?
  5. Thousands of Jews heard the gospel. They asked Peter what they should do in response. What did he say? What happened the first time you heard about Jesus and the gospel? How did you react and how did God get ahold of your heart?
  6. How many people devoted their lives to Christ? How did they display this devotion in their daily lives? What is your church known for in your community? How can a church grow a strong testimony in their community for Christ?
  7. What is a local church? Where is the power of the church? How can you allow the power of the Spirit to work through you this week? Where can you cultivate Bible study, worship, prayer, fellowship? How can the local church help you?
  8. What role does the Word of God play in our spiritual formation? How does the Spirit work with the Word? What does your meditation and Bible reading process look like? What is one of your favorite Bible passages?
  9. Are you able to articulate the full gospel to someone else? When is the last time you shared Christ and called someone to repent from their sins? When you feel scared to share Christ, how can Acts 2 encourage you?
  10. Do you think evangelism is the same priority for the church today? Why or why not? Who do you need to reach for Christ? What is your process for making a disciple? How do you go about inviting someone to church or Bible study?

Key Words/Phrase

Holy Ghost, v. 4. Witnessing, v. 14.


God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, disciples, Peter, Joel, David.

Strong Verse(s)

21, 23, 24, 33, 36, 38, 39.