Acts Chapter 18 Summary
Paul at Corinth. The careless Gallio. Paul takes a Jewish vow. Apollos at Ephesus.
Discussion Questions for Acts, Chapter 18
- How does Paul's example of working with his hands to support himself in Corinth demonstrate the balance between vocational work and ministry? How can we apply Paul's work ethic to our own lives and ministries?
- What ministry strategies does Paul employ in Corinth and Ephesus that contribute to the growth of the church? How can we adapt and apply these strategies in our contemporary contexts?
- Paul faces significant opposition in Corinth, yet he remains steadfast in his mission. How does Paul's response to opposition inspire us to persevere in our own ministries despite challenges and obstacles?
- How does the conversion of Crispus, the synagogue leader, and others in Corinth illustrate the transformative power of the Gospel? What can we learn from their examples about the inclusive nature of God's grace?
- Apollos plays a significant role in the spread of the Gospel in Ephesus. How does his ministry complement Paul's, and what can we learn from their partnership about collaboration in ministry?
- Priscilla and Aquila are key figures in Paul's ministry, providing support and instruction to Apollos. How does their example of hospitality and discipleship challenge us to invest in the growth and development of others?
- Paul spends an extended period of time in Ephesus teaching and discipling new believers. How does Paul's emphasis on discipleship contribute to the growth and maturity of the church? How can we prioritize discipleship in our own ministries?
- The Holy Spirit empowers Paul's ministry in Corinth and Ephesus, enabling him to speak boldly and perform miracles. How does the presence and power of the Holy Spirit empower us for ministry today?
- Paul’s ministry in Corinth and Ephesus leads to the establishment of vibrant Christian communities. How can we foster a culture of church planting and multiplication in our churches and ministries?
- How does Paul's example challenge us to live as bold witnesses for Christ in our communities and workplaces? What steps can we take to effectively share the Gospel with those around us, following Paul's model of contextualized and relational evangelism?
Key Words/Phrase
Testifying (v. 5) and reasoning (vv. 4, 19).
Jesus, Paul, Aquila, Priscilla, Claudius, Silas, Timothy, Justus, Crispus, Gallio, Sosthenes, Apollos, John the Baptist.
Strong Verse(s)
9, 10.