Acts Chapter 17 Summary

Founding of church at Thessalonica and the Jewish opposition. Paul and Silas at Berea. Paul at Athens and the sermon from Mars' hill.

Discussion Questions for Acts, Chapter 17

  1. How does Paul adapt his message when preaching to different audiences in Acts 17 (e.g., Jews in the synagogue, Greeks in the marketplace)? What can we learn from Paul's approach about effectively communicating the Gospel in diverse cultural contexts?
  2. In Athens, Paul engages with Greek philosophy and culture in his speech on Mars Hill. How does Paul's engagement with Athenian culture model for us the importance of understanding and engaging with the worldview of those we seek to reach with the Gospel?
  3. Paul uses the altar to the “unknown god” as a starting point for his message in Athens. How can we identify points of connection with people's existing beliefs or experiences to effectively share the Gospel?
  4. The Bereans are commended for examining the Scriptures daily to verify Paul's teachings. How does their example challenge us to approach the study of Scripture with diligence and openness to new insights?
  5. In Acts 17, we see a range of responses to Paul's message, from belief and acceptance to skepticism and rejection. What factors do you think contribute to people's different responses to the Gospel? How can we respond to skepticism and opposition with grace and wisdom?
  6. Despite facing resistance and persecution, Paul's preaching bears fruit as some come to faith. How does this demonstrate the transformative power of the Gospel to change lives and communities?
  7. Paul’s speech on Mars Hill demonstrates an intellectual engagement with faith and culture. How can we encourage and equip believers to engage thoughtfully with questions of faith and worldview in today’s society?
  8. The early church in Thessalonica and Berea comprises both Jews and Gentiles. How does the diversity of the early church reflect God’s vision for a unified and inclusive community of believers? How can we foster unity amidst diversity in our churches today?
  9. Paul's ministry in Acts 17 is marked by a deep trust in God's sovereignty and providence. How does Paul's confidence in God's control over circumstances and outcomes encourage us to trust in God's plan for our lives and ministries?
  10. Paul’s example challenges us to live as witnesses for Christ in our communities and beyond. How can we follow Paul’s example of boldness, adaptability, and perseverance in sharing the Gospel in our own spheres of influence?

Key Words/Phrase

(Scriptural) Reasoning, vv. 2, 1L, 22.


Christ, Paul, Silas, Jason, Caesar, philosophers, Dionysius, Damaris.

Strong Verse(s)

11, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31.