Acts Chapter 1 Summary
Resurrection ministry of Christ. The apostolic commission. Promise of the Lord's second coming. Waiting for the coming of the Spirit.
Discussion Questions for Acts, Chapter 1
- What gospel account formed Luke’s first part narrative as mentioned in 1:1? How do you see the connections between the two books? What is Luke’s overall purpose for writing Luke-Acts?
- After Jesus taught his disciples for forty days on the kingdom of God, he told them to wait in Jerusalem. What were they waiting for? How significant of an event was the coming of the Spirit? Why?
- Why is the coming of the Holy Spirit called the “baptism of the Holy Spirit”? How is his coming different from his Old Testament empowerment? Why is his New Testament ministry different?
- The disciples asked Jesus if he would now reinstate the kingdom to Israel. What did Jesus have to say about that? What was his focus? How would God's kingdom advance?
- Acts 1:8 is the theme verse and outline for the book. How do you see this story unfolding in the book of Acts? Where do you see the gospel spread to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth?
- The disciples could not take their eyes off the clouds when Jesus ascended to heaven. How do you think they were feeling in that moment? The angels promised that Jesus will return in the same way. What do you look forward to most about seeing Jesus? How do you anticipate his second coming in your spiritual life?
- The second half of Acts 1 could be described as a period of waiting and preparing. How did the disciples prepare themselves spiritually? How did they arrange themselves organizationally? What does God do for his children in periods of waiting? Where are you waiting for him to work in your life right now?
- What role does corporate prayer (praying together with other believers) play in our Christian walk? How can you stir a culture of prayer where you are? Why is prayer so important?
- Chapter one ends with the disciples still waiting for Christ’s promise to be fulfilled. In what area of your life are you waiting for the Lord? What does God do in seasons of waiting? What does this say about our identity and our desire to serve King Jesus?
- Does it surprise you that Jesus calls his small band of disciples to reach the nations? How does this encourage you in your life purpose and work? What is the role of God's grace in our spiritual growth?
Key Words/Phrase
Tarrying, vv. 4, 8, 14.
God, Jesus, Spirit, Luke, Theophilus, John the Baptist, disciples, Mary, Peter, David, Judas, Joseph, Matthias.
Strong Verse(s)
7, 8, 11.