Choose a chapter to view the questions

  • Acts, Chapter 1: Resurrection ministry of Christ. The apostolic commission. Promise of the Lord's second coming. Waiting for the coming of the Spirit.
  • Acts, Chapter 2: Holy Spirit's coming on day of Pentecost. The gospel given to the Jews. Peter's great sermon on the resurrected Christ, and the conviction of the people.
  • Acts, Chapter 3: The lame man healed at the temple gate.
  • Acts, Chapter 4: The first persecution. Peter's address to the Sanhedrin. Preaching in Jesus' name forbidden. Christians again filled with the Spirit. State of the Church at Jerusalem.
  • Acts, Chapter 5: Sin and death of Ananias and Sapphira. The second persecution and answer of apostles to their persecutors. Warning of Gamaliel. Apostles beaten.
  • Acts, Chapter 6: The first deacons. Third persecution. Stephen before the council.
  • Acts, Chapter 7: Address of Stephen before the council. Stephen martyred.
  • Acts, Chapter 8: Saul persecuting Christians. The first missionaries. The case of Simon, the sorcerer. Philip and the Ethiopian.
  • Acts, Chapter 9: Conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Paul preaches and visits Jerusalem and returns to Tarsus. Peter heals Aeneas. Tabitha raised from the dead.
  • Acts, Chapter 10: Peter opens the gospel door to the Gentiles. Cornelius sends for Peter and Peter goes to Caesarea. Peter's sermon to Gentiles in Cornelius' house. Holy Spirit comes upon Gentile believers.
  • Acts, Chapter 11: Peter vindicates his ministry to the Gentiles. Name "Christians" first applied at Antioch.
  • Acts, Chapter 12: Persecutions of the church and arrest of Peter. Prayer for his deliverance and his miraculous release. Death of Herod.
  • Acts, Chapter 13: Paul and Barnabas called. Satanic opposition from a sorcerer. Paul's sermon in the synagogue at Antioch. Opposition from Jews. Paul and Barnabas turn to Gentiles.
  • Acts, Chapter 14: Work of the Gospel at Iconium, Derbe, Lystra. An impotent man at Lystra healed. Paul stoned. Elders appointed in the churches.
  • Acts, Chapter 15: The council at Jerusalem and the question of circumcision. Paul's second missionary journey. Silas chosen.
  • Acts, Chapter 16: Paul finds Timothy. Paul's Macedonian vision. The first convert in Europe. Demons cast out of a damsel. Paul and Silas beaten. Conversion of the Philippian jailer.
  • Acts, Chapter 17: Founding of church at Thessalonica and the Jewish opposition. Paul and Silas at Berea. Paul at Athens and the sermon from Mars' hill.
  • Acts, Chapter 18: Paul at Corinth. The careless Gallio. Paul takes a Jewish vow. Apollos at Ephesus.
  • Acts, Chapter 19: Paul at Ephesus. Disciples of John the Baptist become Christians. Paul in the synagogue and in the school of Tyrannus. Paul's miracles. Uproar of the silversmiths.
  • Acts, Chapter 20: Paul goes to Macedonia and Greece. His visits at Troas, Miletus. Paul's conference with the Ephesian elders.
  • Acts, Chapter 21: Holy Spirit forbids Paul to go to Jerusalem. Paul goes to Jerusalem. Paul takes a Jewish vow. Seized in the temple by the Jews and bound with chains.
  • Acts, Chapter 22: Paul's defense before the multitude. Recounts his conversion.
  • Acts, Chapter 23: Paul before the Sanhedrin. The conspiracy to kill Paul and its defeat. Paul sent to Felix.
  • Acts, Chapter 24: Paul accused before Felix, and his defense.
  • Acts, Chapter 25: Paul before Festus. His appeal to Caesar.
  • Acts, Chapter 26: Paul's defense before Agrippa.
  • Acts, Chapter 27: Paul sent to Rome. The hurricane. God's assurance to Paul in the storm, and his safe landing.
  • Acts, Chapter 28: The landing at Melita. Miracle of the viper's bite. Healing of Publius' father. Paul's arrival at Rome and his ministry there to the Jews. Paul turns to the Gentiles.