3 John Chapter 1 Summary
Exhortation concerning ministering brethren. The domineering Diotrephes and the good Demetrius.
Discussion Questions for 3 John, Chapter 1
- Of course we should testify about what Jesus has done in our lives to non-believers, but why should we testify to believers about those things? What benefits would it bring to their lives and to our own?
- What does it mean to be “walking in truth” (verse 4, CSB)? What is significant about the choice to use the word “walking”? What does walking in truth look like in your life?
- How can a person be a stranger and also a brother or sister? When was the last time you cared for your “stranger” brother or sister in Christ? What was that like?
- Using context from verses 5–8, who are these brothers and sisters in Christ that John is writing about? How can we support these people like verse 8 commands?
- What “Name” (verse 7, CSB) is John talking about? Why do you think he uses this term here? What connections can you make to this wording to other sources within the Bible?
- In verses 9–12, John spends three verses talking about a leader with significant problems and only one verse talking about a faithful leader within the Church. Why do you think that John didn’t spend more time lifting him up? Should church leaders be spending more of their time encouraging their followers or guarding against false teaching? Why?
- What was John's issue with Diotrephes? If he is a leader of the church, how do you think he ended up in such a sinful place in his life? Have you ever noticed yourself falling away in a similar fashion? What did you do?
- One of the best forms of discipleship is through imitation. Who do you imitate in your walk with Christ? Why do you try to imitate them?
- Using context from the whole letter, who is the “one who does good” and the “one who does evil”? Why do you think John says that the evil one “has not seen God,” even though he's a leader of the church? When have you witnessed a similar situation in your own life?
- As the shortest book in the Bible, 3rd John packs in tons of truth about missionaries and false teachers. What is the connection between these groups of people? What are some similarities and differences between them? How can we identify false teachers according to 3 John?
Key Words/Phrase
Fellow helpers, v. 8.
John, Gaius, Diotrephes, Demetrius.
Strong Verse(s)
4, 11.