2 Timothy Chapter 1 Summary

Apostolic greetings and exhortations to Timothy.

Discussion Questions for 2 Timothy, Chapter 1

  1. Paul addresses Timothy as his child in verse 2. Timothy was not Paul's biological child but a spiritual one. What is meant by having a spiritual child? How do you raise a spiritual child?
  2. Paul reminds Timothy that he remembers him in prayer each night. This is called an intercessory prayer, where a believer intercedes on behalf of a non-believer or believer. Have you had a time in your life when someone interceded on your behalf in prayer? Please describe the events that took place and how the knowledge of someone praying on your behalf made you feel.
  3. Paul commends Timothy for having a faith similar to his mother and grandmother. How significant is it to have a legacy of faith in a family? What type of legacy are you wanting to leave behind as you grow older?
  4. Paul reminds Timothy to fan into a flame the gift of God that Paul gave him by laying his hands on him. What is the gift of God? What is the significance of Paul laying his hand on Timothy? Denominations have different purposes for laying hands on a person, most of which involve prayer. Explain in your own words the purpose for laying hands on a person.
  5. 2 Timothy 1:7 says that God gives us a spirit of self-control. What areas in your life do you exhibit the greatest self-control? What areas do you need help to exhibit self-control? How is self-control important in our spiritual life?
  6. Paul tells Timothy not to be ashamed of the testimony of Christ. How do we exhibit shame about Christ? Christ says that if we deny him before man, he will deny us before God in Matthew 10:33. If we deny Christ, how does this affect our eternal security in Christ?
  7. Paul commends Timothy to share in suffering for the gospel. How do we suffer for sharing the gospel in our country? How does our suffering compare to other regions in the world?
  8. At the end of 2 Timothy 1:9, Paul says our salvation is given to us in Christ before the ages began and not by our works. Why should we be concerned about our actions since our salvation doesn't depend on our own actions?
  9. Paul writes that he trusts that Jesus can guard until the end what has been entrusted to Paul. What has been entrusted to Paul that Jesus can guard? If it is salvation, which many believe it is, what comfort can we take that Jesus guards or keeps our salvation? How should we act if we are eternally saved? What should we be willing to risk to advance the gospel? Why?
  10. Paul prays that the Lord grants mercy upon the household that turned away from him in 2 Timothy 1:15-16. How should we pray for our enemies? What do our prayers for our enemies demonstrate about our faith? Have you been influenced by someone who prayed for you after you harmed them? What were the effects on your life?

Key Words/Phrase

Exhortations, v. 6.


God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy, Eunice, Phygelus, Hermogenes, Onesiphorus.

Strong Verse(s)

7, 8, 9, 10, 12.