2 Samuel Chapter 23 Summary

Last words of David. Deeds of his mighty men.

Discussion Questions for 2 Samuel, Chapter 23

  1. Read verse 1. What is an “oracle” (ESV)? What comes to mind when you hear this word? Is it similar or different to the context in which it is used here? Why?
  2. In verse 3, what parameters does David give as marks of a fair and good ruler? In this scenario, who has ultimate authority? How is this significant? What might happen if a king ignored these parameters?
  3. According to this last song of David, what is the result of a king or ruler who rules with justice? Do you think David was successful in doing so? Why or why not?
  4. What might David mean when he compares a good ruler as one who “dawns” on his people “like the morning light” (ESV)? What character traits might a king need in order to make this true? How might a king who offers hope to his people be prosperous?
  5. When David tells of certain prosperity for his desires in verse 5, what type of prosperity do you think he is speaking of? Did God always give David what he desired? Does your answer make his words here any less truthful? Why or why not?
  6. David believes the covenant God has made with him is “everlasting” (v. 5, ESV). What is a covenant? Why do you believe David was certain God would hold to his promises? Do you have the same trust in God's faithfulness towards you? Why or why not?
  7. What are the traits of the “worthless men” David refers to in verse 6 (ESV)? Why are they a danger to those around them? Have you seen an example of this in your own life? What was the result? How is this an encouragement to use discernment when deciding who to follow?
  8. Who were the mighty men of David, and why were they considered mighty? In what ways did they bring honor to their king? Were they without error? Why is it important to note this when considering notable figures in the Bible?
  9. Read verses 9–12. Which characters play a role in these battles? Was their might necessary in order to win? Why or why not? Who is the ultimate victor of these battles (mentioned twice here)? How might this comfort and encourage believers who are facing trials today?
  10. How did David prove himself to be an honorable king after three of his men performed a dangerous task for his sake? Do you think he was abusing his privileges as their ruler? Why or why not? What wisdom might leaders today glean from this?

Key Words/Phrase

Mighty men, v. 8.


God, Holy Spirit, David, Joshebbasheth, Adino, Eleazar, Shammah, Abishai, Benaiah, other great men.

Strong Verse(s)